Rachkha waterfall

Rachkha Waterfall
Traveling around Racha-Lechkhumi you can find many interesting places. In some of these places you need to go on purpose, sometimes even by jeep. Some places can be found on the road.
One of these places is the waterfall Rachha.
Where is the waterfall Rachkha

You can see this waterfall on the way from Kutaisi to Tsageri. Or if you are driving on the same road to Lentekhi.
The waterfall is located on the first corner in Isunderi, if you drive from Kutaisi. The water comes from the mountain, passes under the bridge and flows into the Tskhenistskhali river (horse water).
It is better to go by car to be able to stop and take photos.
You can also see Gvirishi waterfall in Lechkhumi.