
Ureki is a small seaside resort in western Georgia. It is not as noisy as in Batumi and not as quiet as in Kobuleti.
What is Ureki famous for
The main attraction here is black magnetic or black sand. Sand of volcanic origin. Small enough to make it pleasant to walk on. It is believed that this sand is useful in inflammation of the joints, bones and muscles. For a healing effect, you should spend at least a week on the beach.
In the 70 years here were built sanatoriums. They were treated with sand.
A little bit about Ureki
Compared to the beaches of big cities like Batumi, it’s pretty crowded here, the beach is only a few kilometers away.
Despite the small size of the beach, there are quite a few hotels in Ureki. is possible for every taste and for any price. They will differ in quality of service and remoteness from the sea.
You can consider the private sector, but this is usually even further.
If you plan to go by car, we do not recommend to take the hotel right on the beach. As a rule there is a very lively movement.
If you go to Ureki to rest for a day, you can leave the car right next to the beach in the paid parking lot. The price will be around two lari.
We recommend to go early, especially in summer. At noon, the beach gets very hot and you can easily burn.
Entertainment in Ureki
There is plenty of entertainment here. You can ride a parachute or a banana. You can rent a jet ski or boat. They ride on quad bikes.
For children there are rides and slides.
Not far from the beach you can go to a restaurant or cafe and eat.
Next to the parking for sale kebabs. On the beach regularly offer water and ice cream.
We recommend to arrive at the sea early. Swim until noon. Dine in cool surroundings. Relax and return to the sea by 4 o’clock.
How to get to Ureki
If you go to Ureki by car, then first you cross the railroad tracks, turn right along the tracks, drive about a kilometer. Sernuv left you in a straight run into the sea.
The road to the sea there is one, it is impossible to get lost.