Fortress of Peter

In Kobuleti region, near village Cikhisdziri there is one of the most ancient fortress – Peter’s fortress.
This historic-archeological site includes stronghold and settlement around it. Settlement was founded in VI century, one of the most ancient of kartvel tribes – Laz inhabited here.
Byzantine emperor Justinian ordered to build a stronghold here, due to unique strategic and economic position. It was crossroad that connected Byzantine province with west Georgia, Persia and Armenia.
Stronghold hangs on clifftop and uses natural cover as protection at seaside. High wall protects it from another direction.
This stronghold was sealing all naval communication from Byzantine to all east Black sea coasts.
Even today there are remains of ancient buildings. Here you can find Basilica built in V-VI century.
On top of that, here is marvelous view of Black Sea.